The female orgasm is a sensation of heightened pleasure, a natural reflex which leads to a pleasurable alteration in conscious and physical state. The female orgasm has been a focus of medical and psychological research for decades. In most cases when a patient presents with the inability to orgasm, there is a combination of problems with interplay of other sexual disorders. A prime example may be a woman with genuine urinary stress incontinence causing vaginal soreness that has also become incontinent during orgasm. Orgasms can occur from an early age with recognition of pleasurable feelings when the genital area is stimulated, for instance while riding a horse or bicycle. Sexual dysfunction, in particular anorgasmia, is common following radical pelvic surgery. Sexual activity and the ability to orgasm can be detrimentally affected by dermatological conditions of the vulva. Relationship difficulties can often be responsible for inhibition of the orgasm reflex.