This chapter will begin by providing an overview of the importance of nurturing children’s spirituality. It will examine the Yingadi program which incorporates spirituality in students’ learning experiences thereby addressing the Australian National Cross-Curriculum priorities relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander1 histories, culture and general capabilities. It will then draw on data to present individuals’ responses after they have participated in the program to indicate how their spiritual wellbeing has been enhanced, regardless of whether they come from religious or secular backgrounds.

Further, it will argue that such programs are important for students’ learning when they live in culturally and religiously diverse societies where prejudicial attitudes towards others who are different often surface. An experience of Yingadi may help young people to overcome their fear of the otherness of Other and become more accepting and inclusive of others which is a vital element for an education system that aims to prepare and empower students to confront the challenges of diversity which they meet in everyday life.