This chapter focuses on understanding a single individual within this language sphere using leisure as the broad contextual vehicle. It provides a case study a single leisure event in the life of a retired American male; an outing with friends occupying the better part of a single day. All leisure decision-making increasingly comes down to a series of value-related cost-benefit choices in which time plays a crucial role. Some people say they engage in leisure pursuits because it makes them happy. Others say that they seek leisure activities that allow them to be better partners, parents or friends, while others emphasize that leisure helps them become more knowledgeable and competent individuals. Leisure, and arguably all other forms of choice-making as well, represent the confluence of three elements—self-related need, prior experience and opportunity costs and benefits. Satisfaction is the neuro-physiological experience of feeling content and is one of the ways people judge their well-being; high satisfaction equals high well-being.