One of the most prominent and successful aspects of positive psychology (PP) is applied positive psychology (APP). APP is an overarching term for a burgeoning corpus of positive psychology interventions (PPIs), activities, and strategies designed to promote well-being. This chapter considers some of the key practices created or adopted within APP to promote well-being. It reviews the newly expanding scope of APP, and highlights the diversity of strategies for enhancing well-being that can be regarded as within the remit of the field. The LIFE model involves a multidimensional conceptualization of the person, and therefore offers a multidimensional approach to well-being. Moving to the cognitive level, as PP has developed a greater understanding of the impact of thoughts on well-being, this has led to the creation of cognitively focused PPIs. These include recalling positive events in discursive prose, writing at length about positive memories, and developing meaningful/supportive narratives about past traumas or challenges.