This chapter addresses the role of health promotion in the prevention of vector-borne disease outbreaks through examples from the recent Zika virus response, the new threat from a mammalian source of Nipah disease, chikungunya disease and the re-emergent threat of yellow fever. The World Health Organization's 'Zika Strategic Response Framework' focusses on communicating risks with women of child-bearing age, pregnant women, their partners, households and communities, so that people have the information they need to protect themselves. Other aspects include IVM, sexual and reproductive health counselling and health education. The framework outlines four main approaches to support national governments and communities in preventing and managing the Zika virus: detection, prevention, care and support and research (World Health Organization). Raising public awareness about the importance of early reporting of symptoms and suspected Zika cases is also a key health promotion activity using both traditional and mass media approaches such as local radio, posters and person-to-person communication.