Soil capability and condition were most frequently addressed, followed by capital, codification and, finally, connectivity. Indeed, capability and condition assessments are by now well established within soil science based on widely available knowledge and expertise produced from field experiments and theoretical approaches. This includes increasingly important digital mapping and automated monitoring of soil processes. Studies of soil capital receive only half as much attention. but a recently observed increase is due to observed


The five Soil security dimensions (capability, condition, capital, connectivity and codification) (McBratney et al. 2014; 2017) were first presented and discussed during a regional Agricultural Research Symposium in Sydney in 2012. The first Global Soil Security conference was held in College Station (USA) in May 2015. The second global conference was held in Paris on December 5-6, 2016 and was focused on connecting businesses, practitioners, policymakers and researchers by presenting best working practices, business solutions, scientific outcomes and international initiatives, all of them contributing to the protection and sustainable management of soils. After introductory talks from the French Minister for Agriculture and from the Directors General of INRA and INERIS, the conference presented 44 oral presentations, 16 poster presentations and round-table panel discussions that this chapter aims to summarize.