The benefits of a positive approach, and compassionate practice, to patients and clients, health care practitioners and their organisations are undeniable, and there is a growing body of evidence to demonstrate this. Patients survive longer after heart attacks and pessimists have a much higher death rate from cardiac disease and other causes of death. In addition stressed patients will experience delayed healing, higher risk of wound infection, cancer recurrence and their immune responses are compromised. This also applies to us and staff who are well and happy have higher levels of self-efficacy, take more control over their lives and have healthier lifestyles. This has a positive impact on those we care for and work with. In addition staff sickness and turnover levels are lower which is of major benefit to the organisation, as well as practitioners and their patients and clients. We finish this chapter by introducing our RESPECT model which we believe is a toolkit for helping health care practitioners to remain as positive and healthy as possible, despite the stresses and challenges of their roles.