A human body contains approximately 60% or greater water, the largest constituent of the human body. Water/hydration is important for vital physiological and biochemical functions including body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, as well as for maintaining optimal health, especially for dermal health, hair and nails. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine announced the official recommendation related to water/hydration needs. Water is a fluid that acts as a solvent and a mode of transportation system within the human body. Water is the human body’s most important nutrient, rather an overlooked macronutrient. It is utilized in each and every intricate function of the body, including the maintenance of body temperature, body fat metabolism, digestion, lubricating and cushioning organs, transporting nutrients and flushing toxins. Water is a multifunctional macronutrient and its most vital function is body heat regulation. During the physiological process when a human body loses water, it is usually depleted from both the extracellular and intracellular spaces.