The economic accounting data used for fitting the models come primarily from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics (D.B.S.) input-output study of Canada for the year 1961. This chapter describes the economic data are suitable for use in the basic D.B.S. model and the Rosenbluth input-output model. The results that follow, therefore, constitute a preliminary attempt to quantify some of the important relations between the Canadian economy and the natural environment of Canadians. The D.B.S. model is used to evaluate a transfer from public to private transportation. Before doing this it is convenient to use the available data to establish an empirical version of the Rosenbluth model. Having established the new final demand vector the data were applied to the Rosenbluth model and the D.B.S. model to ascertain the implications for the ecologic costs of economic activity. Application of both models was fairly simple and requires only a few comments.