This chapter covers a range of experiences Counselors in Training (CITs) face upon entering the clinical mental health field, including the experience of ongoing CIT growth and development and the requirement to continually engage in development and growth. It evaluates why many CITs are placed on a growth plan and how this is directly related to Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) 2016 Standards of competency in knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The chapter operationally defines the many CACREP and American Counseling Association (ACA) codes that are required for both supervisor and students. It chapter offers normalization to CITs, with a developmental perspective and a focus on growth over CITs entire career. PB&D is not a Peanut Butter and Donut sandwich despite that sounding quite interesting. Rather, PB&D stands for Professional Behaviors and Dispositions. Professional careers are held to a higher standard than other careers, often with ethical and legal requirements as well as standards of practice.