This chapter examines the p'ansori training practices that create the unique sound of p'ansori songum. First, it focuses on training within studio practice: video sample one is a cutting from one of the lessons with Song Uhyang with analysis of process learning p'ansori as a foreigner. Second, it focuses on an aspect of p'ansori training outside of the studio, specifically sankongbu [mountain study]. Sankongbu assists in the development of songum and underpins a cultural understanding of how one should learn p'ansori through "laborious vocal training," which is "essential in attaining the status of a professional p'ansori artist". Finally, the chapter compares p'ansori training with the "natural/free" voice training practice and how "natural" is understood through both practices. Through this comparative study, the chapter provides an opportunity for voice practitioners and trainers to (re)consider fundamental assumptions made about the materials of training (voice, sound, breath, resonance) as universally understood concepts and as "natural," "human" behaviors.