The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care offers a multicultural and international perspective on how art therapy can be of help to individuals, groups, families, communities, and nations facing death and dying as well as grief and loss.

Over 50 art therapists from around the world write about the transforming power of art therapy in the lives of those facing terminal illness, dementia, loss, and grief. They offer practical descriptions and techniques for working with adults and children to guide professionals, including those new to using art therapy and creative approaches in end-of-life care services.

This international handbook is essential reading for arts therapists, social workers, medical personnel, faith leaders, and psychologists interested in a collaborative and accessible approach to working with patients and families affected by loss.

section Section One

Art Therapy With Individuals

chapter 1|14 pages

Deepening the Inner World

When Art Therapy Meets Spiritual Needs

chapter 3|5 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Art Therapy and Acquired Visual Loss

chapter 4|14 pages

Art Therapy and Juvenile NCL

chapter 5|13 pages

Blurry Vision

Introducing Art Therapy to Palliative Care Patients

chapter 6|6 pages

Snapshot of Practice

A Case of Individual Art Therapy

chapter 8|14 pages


Mourning Unspeakable Loss With Art Therapy and EMDR

chapter 9|15 pages

The Empathic Mirror

Healing Grief and Loss Through Portrait Therapy at End of Life

chapter 11|12 pages

Connecting and Belonging

Using Technology for Art Therapy in Palliative Care

chapter 12|5 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Art Therapy in Hospice: The Florence Experience in Italy

section Section Two|147 pages

Art Therapy for Groups, Families and Communities

chapter 13|3 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Art Therapy in Paediatric Oncology

chapter 15|20 pages

A Chorus of Angels, The Ripple of Water, and The Weight of Stone

Art Therapy and Artwork Which Cradle Both Family Carers and Their Relative With Dementia

chapter 16|4 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Researching the Outcomes of Art Therapy for Caregivers of Patients at End-of-Life

chapter 18|16 pages

Coming Up for Air

Art Therapy With Children Affected by Childhood Cancer

chapter 20|12 pages

The Power of Creative Expression and Ritual

Integrating Art Therapy Into a Bereavement Camp

chapter 21|13 pages

Saying Goodbye

Grieving Families

chapter 22|10 pages

‘Time to Unwind’

Meitheal at the Crossroads—An Open Art Therapy and Music Therapy Group on the Specialist Palliative Care Inpatient Unit

chapter 24|3 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Mind-Body Art Grief Group

chapter 25|10 pages

Beginning at the End

section Section Three|113 pages

Art Therapy for Cross-Cultural Encounters, National Tragedies and Disenfranchised Grief

chapter 26|5 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Private Practice Art Therapy in Dubai

chapter 27|7 pages

Art Therapy in Prison Hospice

A Compassionate Bridge

chapter 28|15 pages

Killing Time

The Dying Art Therapy Group in a High Secure Hospital

chapter 29|13 pages

Disenfranchised Grief

The Impact of Grief in the Military

chapter 30|9 pages

Feeling the Pulse

An Art Therapist's Response to Tragedy

chapter 31|17 pages

Communitas and Soul-Healing

Arts Therapy Within the Loss-upon-Loss of Natural Disaster

chapter 32|4 pages

Snapshot of Practice

Notes on Palliative Care Art Therapy in Singapore

chapter 35|14 pages

Narratives East West—Art Therapy in a Hospice in Northern India

A Patchwork of Cross-Cultural Encounters