It is difficult to imagine that the vertical distance between positions was unrelated to occupational prestige and, especially, monetary compensation for time on the job and work completed. The most important aspects of the style of labor intrinsic to a technology-intensive organization much as that just outlined are not difficult to discern. Mechanisticity means simply that organizational participants become imbued with the reality that they are productively linked to a machine-like process. Much the same is true of componentiality, nearly as awkward a neologism as mechanisticity, though it's a bit harder to understand, both as a word that sounds like what it is describing and as a technical concept. Mechanisticity and componentiality are but two manifestations of human being's expressivity whereby their activities are objectified as fully functional working components of a machine. The peculiar character of the processes just described marks the distinctiveness of institutionalized technology in a modernized world.