Socialism means wealth, however the experience of Russian humanity is poverty, deprivation, and in many districts of the gigantic country stark hunger. Peasants from the outlying parts went to Moscow in order to buy back, for cattle food, the bread cereals which the Government had bought up, at low prices, in the villages. The scarcity is severe. Workers and modest citizens packed in overcrowded tenements and teeming in overcrowded streets. It is dominated by proletarians, by men who derive their livelihood from wages and salaries, and, what is more, depend upon a public, that is a State, municipal, or co-operative, employer. With all the variations that actually remain, they reveal, taken as a whole, an extensive levelling down of incomes in a proletarian social order Russian. It is a grim race between failure and success, between sacrifice and patience; and it is regarded in this light by prominent men.