At the east end of the street there appeared a troop of strange horsemen; they were very few in number, only about six or seven; but their appearance left no doubt that they were the vanguard of the Reds. With their narrow eyes, their huge fur caps, their shabby uniforms, primitive saddles and small shaggy Kalmuck ponies, they came galloping along, glancing furtively to right and left, reconnoitring in all probability to obtain information about conditions in the town for the army behind them. They carried their rifles in their hands, and seemed determined to shoot at anyone who dared to look at them in an unfriendly manner or oppose them in any way whatever. They passed rapidly under the window, and then disappeared from the sight. The colour of the Muscovites was red, and many of the advancing warriors had adorned their breasts with small red bows or large red rosettes, or even long fluttering ribbons.