There is a basic association between psychopathy and sexual offending, but it is more nuanced and moderated by additional psychological factors that are commonly overlooked. Much of the broader association between psychopathy and offending of all types including sexual deviance relates to psychopathy’s general Antagonism. Disproportionately attributing sexual offending to psychopathy belies the many pathways into sexual offending, which is itself a very broad criminological classification, ranging from hands-off, remote offenses to hands-on/contact offenses (rape and sexual assault). Moreover, some aspects of psychopathy are more associated with sexual offending than others; the core traits (affective and interpersonal) are less strongly associated than behavioral and criminal lifestyle facets. Also, concurrent sexual deviation is a key risk-increasing factor, as are emotional–neurotic elements emerging from with secondary psychopathy such as obsessionality and compulsivity.