The chief characteristic of the system of Soviet external trade relations is the Plan by which dealings are regulated. The aim of Plan is to control foreign trade in a rational fashion and to keep it in harmony with general development of national economy. It is drawn up by Vneshtorg with the co-operation of all the Commissariats concerned, then discussed by the State-Planning Commission and finally approved by the Council of People's Commissars. The trade Plan arranges the categories of goods for importation or exportation. The functions of administrative organs are to regulate trade with foreign countries within the limits fixed by the Plan. Central organisations of the Co-operatives enjoy special rights as regards foreign trade, but their activities are controlled by Vneshtorg. The Foreign Trade Commissariat's organisations abroad are trade delegations attached to the diplomatic missions of the Soviet Union. These commercial bodies are the incarnation, so to speak, of the foreign trade monopoly exercised by the State.