This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in this book. The book includes of two essays that analyses and discuss the Deleuzian themes of difference, sameness, and singularity. Todd May's essay, "Difference and Unity in Gilles Deleuze", attempts to disentangle Deleuze from the nets of a total affirmation of alterity and anarchism. The book assesses the Deleuzian fold to the concept of a subject that is neither Cartesian nor Husserlian. Deleuze-Bergson's world can be conceived on the basis of the cinematic model, because cinema helps us recognize the world. The book discusses Lines of Flight", consists of two exemplary essays that take the work of Deleuze as their starting point and engage in lines of flight, movements of "deterritorialization" and "destratification", the dismantling of organic hierarchies and organisms. Dana Polan particularly appreciates Deleuze's concern to overcome the verbal/visual dichotomy by making use of intensely imagistic and tableauesque language.