The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting medication noncompliance in patients with chronic diseases. Using an observational research design, interviews were conducted with 38 patients having chronic illnesses who received back-referral prescriptions and took drugs obtained from Yakersuda Pharmacy, Bangkalan. The results of this study indicate that of the 38 patients with chronic diseases, 21 (55.26%) did not adhere to medication, while the remaining 17 (44.74%) adhered to the undergoing medication. The following factors cause their noncompliance to take medication: being bored with having to take drugs; feeling that the illness suffered could not be cured; being constrained by BPJS rules that require the obtainment of drugs to be in accordance with the schedule; and economic factors. It is suggested that counseling is required to motivate medication compliance for such patients and that the BPJS system needs to be improved to enable continuous medication for the patients.