This chapter discusses a research review of health and safety (H&S) compliance throughout the extant discussion of well-known existing theories. To understand the theory behind accident occurrences, there is a need to be familiar with the process and how the interacting elements within the accident causation theory work through the existing theories. The chapter focuses on the work of Heinrich and the accident root causes tracing model (ARCTM) are the most comprehensive conceptual models of construction accident causation theories. The root causes of accidents in the multiple causation models relate to the management system such as management policy, procedure, supervision, effectiveness and training. Control and management of hazards in construction sites take two main forms, namely avoidance of the occurring of hazardous events and restricting the severity potential of hazards when the hazard happens. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a statistical methodology that takes a confirmatory approach rather than an exploratory approach to the analysis of structural theory.