Cysts and abscesses of the liver in the neonatal period are uncommon. Hepatic cysts presenting in infants are usually simple, unilocular cysts, with polycystic liver diseases presenting later in childhood or in adults. Simple or solitary cysts in infants can be congenital or acquired in origin. Parasitic cysts are rare in children and have never been reported in infancy. Cystic structures in the neonatal liver also include ciliated hepatic foregut cysts, choledochal cysts, mesenchymal hamartomas (MHs), and cystadenomas. Most congenital cysts do not have any clinical manifestations in infancy and are not diagnosed until an older age. Cysts large enough to be detected on physical exam are easily distinguished from solid tumors by ultrasonography. Liver function is typically normal in spite of the impressive size of these cysts. Small asymptomatic cysts discovered incidentally should be left alone. Large or symptomatic cysts should be treated surgically.