In Bolshevik Russia national feeling as such is forbidden in general; the possession or demonstration of national feeling is therefore by its very nature anti-Bolshevik. The Bolsheviks therefore are not correct when they say that they do not persecute nationalism, but they are right when they assert that they persecute Ukrainian nationalism as an anti-Bolshevik phenomenon. It is Russian patriotism, Great Russian patriotism, which is particularly picked out for persecution, and is crushed wherever it is found. Among the Bolsheviks themselves voices are raised in protest against the forced Ukrainization of the Russian population living in the Ukraine. The idea propagated at one time by the "change of era" party that, while of course Bolshevia is Bolshevia, there is yet Russia in that Bolshevia, that working for Bolshevia is in effect working for Russia, was at one time tolerated and even favourably regarded by communists; but now that idea is considered dangerous, and as calling for suppression at all costs.