Manolopoulos' Position Statement is a critical treatment of some aspects of the Christian tradition. Although he is hesitant in using the word 'religious' as a self-descriptor, he acknowledges that he has "some kind of 'faith', a certain kind of 'belief'". He also identifies himself as an "anti-Christian Christian", and his goal is to elucidate the nature of this form of Christianity. He seeks to uncover what is essential to being a Christian in a postmodern world, offering in the process a variety of considerations in support of his choice to follow such a path. Uchimura's personal devotion to Christ found him at odds with Protestant evangelists operating in Japan. Manolopoulos similarly expresses his faith as a "radical" form of "secular Christianity", which he describes as "anti-Church, anti-Christendom" and "anti-religious". Manolopoulos' reluctance to associate with any institutionalized religion stems from an oppositional attitude towards conventional religions with their dogmas, hierarchical structures and puritan morality.