Himalayan region of India is the origin place of mustard green where it has been grown and consumed for more than 5,000 years. Mustard is an important oil and condiment crop. In India, it is popularly known as Rai, Raya, Rayada, Laha, Sarson, and so on. Mustard greens are used in a range of recipes to add a pungent and peppery flavour. Mustard greens offer great benefit to its consumers suffering from asthma to cardiovascular heart disease to menopausal symptoms by providing antioxidant protection to water- and fat-soluble areas of the body. Mustard can be grown in a wide range of soils varying from sandy loam to clay loam but it performs best on well-drained loam soils rich in organic matter. The factors that may affect the seed rate of mustard are the variety used, soil moisture, soil type, soil reaction, soil fertility and weather conditions of the growing region.