Tissue engineering and three-dimensional (3D) biological modeling raise exciting possibilities for generating functional organ replacements as well as studying complex physiologic processes in vitro. A number of techniques including some using extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins have been developed to generate functional 3D tissue models. To investigate pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine activities, immuno-competent animal models provide an intact niche, which encompasses the 3D architecture of the ECM and cell organization and appropriate spatial and temporal organization of soluble proteins including cytokines. Using a 3D chondrocyte human tissue system, this chapter highlights key effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the origin and outcome of osteoarthritis. A large number of studies have used diverse 3D in vitro culture systems to further our understanding of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine activities. Furthermore, as Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) immuno-modulatory properties are associated with the generation of anti-inflammatory microenvironment, their presence at the interface with biomaterials may prevent or limit negative immune host responses.