The situation of Commodore Jones after the Richard had sunk almost baffles description. The Alliance, obedient to the whim of the now infuriated Landais, had deserted him altogether; not even assisting to remove the wounded from her sinking consort or offering to take on board any part of the prisoners. Dastardly as had been the conduct of the wretched Landais during the battle, his behavior after Jones had won the victory was even more criminal. Among the prisoners transferred from the Serapis to the Pallas in the morning- of September 25th was Captain Pearson. Nathaniel Farming's description of the forlorn voyage that now ensued is much better than any pen of our time could produce, because it was written by an able man who saw what he chronicled. The arrival of Commodore Jones in the Texel with his battered and storm-beaten ships and his mangled crew did little else than plunge him in new troubles.