The battle that began with the Bon homme Richard's broadside in reply to the last hail of the Serapis is a subject about which the world seems never to tire of reading. The testimony in the Pearson court-martial, particularly the statement of Captain Pearson himself, is lucid and of great historical value, as is also that of Dr. William Bannatyne, the surgeon of the Serapis. Senior Midshipman and Acting Lieutenant John Mayrant was severely wounded in the head by a fragment of one of the exploded guns. During this early period of the action the gunnery of the Richard, according to the accounts of those present on both sides, was excellent. Several of Jones's biographers, including even the usually accurate Commodore Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, put into Pearson's mouth, as he was in the act of delivering his sword. Landais's court-martial did not get beyond the stage of formal charges, as will be hereafter explained, and accompanying statements of witnesses.