Values are an answer to the question “why?” – specifically, why would one allow oneself to come into contact with unpleasant thoughts and feelings? We define values as “chosen life directions”. Values are personally chosen – they are not morals or ethics, which tend to be inflexible and externally defined. They are directions, rather than destinations – ways of being rather than things to be achieved. This means that there is flexibility and choice in how one might pursue them, and that they are sustainable, whereas goals are done once they are achieved. While values are often associated with pleasant feelings, that is not always the case. In ancient Greek philosophy the distinction was made between the psychological well-being that comes from flourishing, belonging, life purpose and personal growth (eudaimonia) and pleasure for its own sake (hedonia). ACC does not eschew hedonia, but actively promotes the longer-term well-being that is associated with eudaimonia.