The people of Lagos were therefore the first to ask the Infante for leave to go to the countries whence these Moors were brought; for no ship could go thither without the special permission of the Infante, in accordance with the charter which the King had granted him. Langarote thus got together six caravels well equipped, and he spoke to the Infante to obtain his permission, saying that he asked it in order to serve him. The first captain and the chief was Lancarote, and the second Gil Eannes, he who first passed beyond Cape Bojador; and Estevao Affonso, a nobleman who was afterwards to die in the Canary Isles. Lancarote did not forget to question the captive Moors, through his interpreter, concerning such things as he wished to know; in what place he was, and what season. Lancarote, with fourteen or fifteen men, set forth guided by the Moor.