Treating PTSD presents a comprehensive, compassion-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach that provides therapists with the evidence-based information they need to understand trauma’s effects on the mind and body as well as the phases of healing. Chapters offer discussion, practical tools, and interventions that therapists can use with clients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to reduce feelings of distress and increase their sense of safety. Readers are introduced to the metaphor of "the valley of the shadow of death" to explain the experience of PTSD; they’re also shown how to identify the work they’ll need to do as therapists to accompany clients on their healing journey. Two new compassion-focused CBT interventions for trauma processing are also introduced.

chapter |6 pages


part I|78 pages

Therapist Preparation for Trauma Work

chapter 2|10 pages

Trauma Foundations

chapter 3|7 pages

Traumatic Stress Responses

chapter 4|10 pages

Complex Trauma

chapter 7|12 pages

Therapist Self-Care

part II|81 pages

Engaging in Trauma Therapy

chapter 8|15 pages

First Things First

chapter 9|26 pages

Gathering Tools for the Journey

chapter 10|29 pages

Beginning the Climb—Trauma Processing

chapter 11|7 pages

Preparing Clients for Counseling Termination

Living With the Scars