Caroline appointed Regent of Naples during the absence of Murat in Russia—Her prudent administration—Jealousy of her husband, who seeks to confine her authority within the narrowest limits—Murat abandons the wreck of the Grand Army at Posen, and returns to Naples—Indignation of the Emperor : his letters to Caroline and Murat—Murat, convinced that his throne is in jeopardy, enters into negotiations with both Austria and Great Britain—Caroline at first faithful to the Emperor, but eventually becomes her husband’s accomplice, and ably seconds him in his criminal intrigues—Her hypocritical letters to Napoleon—Murat, summoned by the Emperor to join the army in Saxony, decides to obey—His motives—Skilful manœuvres of Caroline—After Leipzig, Murat begs the Emperor’s permission to return to Naples, which is accorded him—Despatch of Aberdeen to Castlereagh—Napoleon, deceived by Murat, gives him a free hand in Italy—The King’s plans interrupted by an ultimatum from Austria—The treaty of January 11, 1814—A comedy at the palace—Grief and indignation of Napoleon on learning of the treachery of his brother-in-law and sister.