France invaded—Madame Mère appointed a member of the Council of Regency during the Emperor’s absence with the Army—The Allies approach Paris—Departure of the Imperial Family for Blois—Napoleon decides to abdicate—Madame and Marie Louise—Madame and Fesch set out for Rome—Meeting between Pauline and the Emperor during the letter’s journey to Fréjus—Napoleon sails for Elba—Élisa, in the hope of preserving Lucca and Piombino, negotiates with Murat, and associates herself in his treason—The Neapolitan troops admitted to Florence—Departure of Élisa for Lucca : tumultuous scenes—Evacuation of Tuscany by the French troops—Élisa announces that she has severed all connection with the Empire, and proceeds to annex several outlying districts of the Kingdom of Italy—Her hopes of preserving her principality frustrated by Bentinck, who expels her from Lucca—She goes to France, but, after the abdication of Napoleon, returns to Italy and settles at Bologna—Birth of a son.