Position of Murat and Caroline after the fall of the Empire—Intrigues of Louise Philippe to secure the restoration of Ferdinand IV to Naples—Demands of Talleyrand at the Congress of Vienna—Attitude of Metternich—Murat, fearful of losing his throne, recommences his intrigues in Italy, and makes overtures to Napoleon—On the return of the Emperor from Elba, without waiting for his instructions, he declares war on Austria—Explanation of his conduct—Responsibility of Caroline considered—Murat is defeated at Tolentino, returns to Naples, and escapes to France—Caroline compelled to take refuge with the British fleet—She is conveyed to Trieste on board H.M.S. Tremendous—Murat offers his services to the Emperor, who declines them—After the second abdication of Napoleon, he takes refuge in Corsica—And resolves to attempt the reconquest of his kingdom—Having decided to refuse the offer of an asylum in Austria, he sets sail for Calabria—His fate.