Murat, disappointed in his hopes of the Crown of Poland, returns to Paris—Successful intrigue of Caroline to bring about a fresh rupture between Louis and Hortense—The Murats at Fontainebleau—Relations of Caroline with Metternich, Talleyrand, Fouché, and Maret—Caroline’s bal masqué at the Elysée-Mlle. Guillebeau—Murat becomes Lieutenant of the Emperor in Spain, and is persuaded that Napoleon intends to make him King—He is offered his choice between the thrones of Naples and Portugal—He accepts Naples—He falls ill, is relieved of his command in Spain, and goes to Barèges—Caroline secures for herself the succession to the Crown of Naples, in the event of her surviving her husband—Heavy burdens imposed by Napoleon upon Naples—The Emperor compels the Murats to surrender to him the whole of their property in France, in return for very inadequate compensation.