The exiled family only remained a few days at Toulon. The town was in a state of anarchy; Royalists and Girondists, secretly encouraged by Great Britain and Spain, disputed supremacy with the adherents of the Convention, and a sanguinary insurrection might break out at any moment. The Bonapartes had not fled from civil war in Corsica with the intention of seeking it again in Provence, and Napoleon and Joseph perceiving that Toulon, in its present disturbed condition, was no place for their mother and their young brothers and sisters, particularly as they would soon be deprived of their protection, resolved to remove them to the neighbouring village of La Vallette, where they lodged at the house of a widow named Cordeil. Then they bade them farewell, and set off, Napoleon to 98rejoin his regiment, which was now quartered at Nice, and Joseph to seek employment in Paris.