"Gestalt is a German word meaning whole or configuration". Gestalt therapy is based on the belief that the human being integrates parts and patterns into a perceptual whole. The broad purpose of Gestalt is to have a client mature and grow. The Gestalt approach intends to help integrate sometimes conflicting dimensions within that person. Responsibility is closely linked to a purpose of Gestalt, gaining maturity. People must take personal responsibility for finding their way in life and achieving maturity. The behavioral science base of Gestalt recognizes Freudian and para-Freudian psychoanalysis, Reichion theory, semantics, and philosophy. The Gestalt therapist explores the person's sensations by asking what he/she is experiencing. Much of Gestalt therapy involves having the client participate in an experiment. The basic methodology for the Gestalt approach has been identified, including theory about neurotic behavior and its origins, forms of client resistance, and techniques to be used.