Riad Elsolh Hamad, fifty-five, left his family's apartment in Austin, Texas, to get some prescription drugs on April 14, 2008. The immigrant from Lebanon and middle school computer teacher never returned home. Hamad brought himself to his unwelcome attention in early June 2006 by sending me, via certified mail, a summons to appear in court in Austin. The judges rewarded, almost without exception, entries that featured fierce and violent hatred of Israel. In compensation for this long list of alleged abuses, Hamad demanded from his many defendants $5 million in compensatory damages, $10 million for his loss of income, and $50 million in exemplary and punitive damages. Hamad gave insight into his mentality and his motives in the course of his lawsuit. Hamad had approached and shared that he had been able to skim off money that he intended sneak to Palestinian comrades in Israel.