A healthy area of interest and identification may be viewed as in rooted motion. The area's central core should at once recognize its posterity, and also should support a leading edge that continuously seeks to test and to transcend what it honors. A healthy profession creates at its center a kind of rolling tension between the "line" of aspiration drawn by the pioneers. The more current simultaneous attempts to extend practice to that "line" as well as to develop a higher level of aspiration. What on earth does this ominous even if suitably tentative suspicion imply? Four points may suffice here to sketch a working answer to this query. The following points are, First, Organization Development (OD) does not recognize its posterity. Second, OD does not honor its posterity. Third, OD does not connect with its posterity. Fourth, ODers do not sufficiently respect their posterity in the most caring way—by testing it and thereby risking the need to transcend it.