This chapter discusses specific campaigning details, as distinguished from the structuring elements. It is prudent to set up the client-group or targeting analysis considerably in advance of the actual campaigning, since the necessary coordination of surveys with information from experienced local workers is extremely difficult during the tense period of day-to-day campaigning. Scheduling is a problem in every political campaign. In many campaign offices, as the campaign gets under way, speaking engagements, meetings, and other events are entered on a giant calendar. In campaigning, the ballyhoo men are called advance men. Their responsibilities are many and important, but the basic purpose of their work is to stimulate public interest as well as press and television attention for the candidate. The basic strategy in conducting a campaign is to get on the ballot, develop reasons for voters to vote for you, construct a list of favorable voters, and, finally, to get them to the polls—-or "pull" them— on election day.