Samuel Anoints David provides one of the strongest arguments ever made against kingship. During Solomon's reign, Samuel's warnings prove correct, and during the divided kingdoms, many of the leaders are tyrannical. Samuel warns the people that a king will take their sons to serve in his army, and their daughters to serve in his household. Saul achieves a military victory over the Philistines, but by failing to wait for religious authorities to bless his attack, he undermines the legitimacy of his kingship. Even though Jonathan plays a major role in winning the battle, Saul proclaims that he must die. Saul's troops intervene, and Jonathan is saved. Saul's legitimacy is based on defeating the enemies of Israel and Judah, and the legitimacy provided by his anointment has been stripped away by Samuel for not obeying God's orders to destroy the Amalekites. All the same, David decides that his forces are not strong enough to maintain a rebellion against Saul.