In the Hebrew Bible, Daniel is part of the Writings, coming after Esther and before Ezra, whereas in the Christian Scriptures it is among the Prophetic Books, coming after Ezekiel and before Hosea. Daniel appears before Nebuchadnezzar and explains that he himself cannot interpret the dream, "but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has disclosed to King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen at the end of days". Daniel tells the king that he may keep his gifts. He reminds the king that his father was punished by madness for his pride, but that despite the example, Belshazzar has acted pridefully. Belshazzar commands that Daniel be clothed in purple, that a gold chain be placed around his neck, and he issues a proclamation that he should be ranked third in the kingdom. King Darius is greatly distressed, but has to throw Daniel into the den of lions.