The great danger for Catholic thought in the German-speaking lands is to pass from joint opposition to Liberalism and Marxism to become the shameful adherent of National Socialism. The philosophical framework for all the, however, has been furnished by Professor Hans Eibl, the not untalented Austrian 'middleman' between Catholicism and 'racial consciousness', or, to put it bluntly, Catholicism and National Socialism. If the great heresy afflicting the Christian West is National Socialism as such, there is equal warrant for affirming that the philosophical content of this heresy consists in 'Vitalism', in the abusive overestimation of so-called 'vital values'. In reality the most urgent task is always to concentrate the struggle against the virulent heresy, and not to engage in irresponsible speculation about it, asking whether this heresy shows the direction of history, which will 'finally' lead to the universal triumph of theocracy.