Liberals specialize in big promises. As a result, they have incurred big failures. Nevertheless, liberals have risen to the challenge. They have become well-practiced grievance mongers. Grievance mongers are specialists in hyperbole. The reason peace is a viable liberal grievance is that capitalists are alleged to be warmongers. Liberals also complained about a purported assault on individual rights. Francis Fukuyama has done something few social scientists before him had the perspicacity to do. The Great Disruption essentially revealed a compendium of failed prophecies. Yet liberals refused to blame themselves for mistakes in judgment. Liberals looked triumphantly at this failure and insisted it demonstrated they were correct. Liberal theories about crime were thus dramatically disconfirmed, but so were their speculations about the family. The family was said to be handmaiden of capitalist oppression. It tied people together in a manner that prevented them from maximizing their potential. Turning to social class issues, liberals were also wrong in their approach to poverty.