The conservative attack on the university and the naive liberal assumption of its autonomy are both the indices of the national seismography getting the correct signal of constitutional changes in the American demography. The emerging organicity of the public intellectual is the critical cause of this anxiety. The potential rise of a new organicity among postcolonial/post-national intellectuals is equally resisted by ethnic tribalism of the opposite sort. The organicity of the intellectual in the emerging configuration of globalizing power requires an entirely different disposition than the so-called "opposition" intellectuals who are waging a long-distance battle against their home regime. Edward Said's conception and practice of an exilic intellectual, Homi Bhabha's hesitant but nevertheless useful unpacking of the split personae of hybridity, but far more effectively Gayatri Spivak's re-appropriation of the rebellious "native informant" are all the insignia of an emancipatory will to resist power and to effect global change.