If the essence of persuasion is the presentation of arguments, the essence of authority is the issuance of commands. At least in the short-run, coercive authority is undoubtedly the most effective form of power in extensiveness, comprehensiveness and intensity: 'Out of the barrel of a gun grows the most effective command, resulting in the most instant and perfect obedience.' The counterpart of coercive authority is authority based on inducement, or the offering of rewards for compliance with a command rather than threatening deprivations. Legitimate authority is a power relation in which the power holder possesses an acknowledged right to command and the power subject an acknowledged obligation to obey. When competent authority is exercised by a hierarchically organized group, the distinction between competent and legitimate authority also becomes blurred. In a relationship of personal authority the subject obeys out of a desire to please or serve another person solely because of the latter's personal qualities.