One of the earliest approaches specifically designed for communi­cating with troubled children was the life-space interview. Although there has been relatively little formal research on the L S I , accumulating clinical experience has increasingly validated the im­portance of this kind of approach to communicating with troubled children. There has been a renewal of interest in recent years in discovering more effective ways of talking with children. Meichenbaum suggests that a major reason for the growth of cognitive approaches among behaviorists has been the accumulating evidence of the lack of long-term carry-over of changes made by traditional behav­ior modification techniques. Teacher effectiveness training, a nondirective format for communi­cating with youth without adopting a judgmental or authoritarian manner. There has been a resurgence of interest in the LSI recently which suggests an active future. The emphasis on deinstitutionalization and mainstreaming has fos­tered a growing utilization of part-time interventions for people in crisis.