There are in the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States a number of cases frequently referred to for propositions relating to the meaning of the religion clauses of the Constitution that, in fact, rest on grounds completely separate and distinct from those clauses. The church had contracted with an English clergyman to come to the United States to act as rector and pastor of the Church of the Holy Trinity. In 1922, the State of Oregon, under the initiative provision of its constitution, adopted a statute that, for all relevant purposes, made attendance at public schools within the state compulsory. Apelles are corporations and therefore, it is said, they cannot claim for themselves the liberty which the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees. On August 17, 1928, petitioners, taxpayers and parents of school children in parish of Caddo, Louisiana, sought an injunction from the state trial court to prevent defendants from expending state tax funds on purchase of school books.