The problem of literalism, and attempts to subvert it, are present in the scriptures. The theme of Jesus' discourse with Nicodemus is that rebirth can only be understood by a metaphorical sensibility. Scripture scholars are not convinced that this "meeting" with Nicodemus happened as described in John. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, comes to Jesus by night, to learn from him the mystery of rebirth. Sexual addictions are regarded by depth psychology as unconscious and perverse attempts to seek rebirth of the personality. The psycho-spiritual approach to this problem has been explored by Robert Stein in Incest and Human Love. The devil's approach to rebirth is a tawdry path, which does not deliver the sought-for prize of transformation. Instead of achieving rebirth, when the impulse is taken literally it lands such men in courts of law, police stations, jails and detention centers.