I n every human society there evolve institutions for the socialization of its members, or, as we w o u l d say, agencies of personality development. I t is as i f the society understands imp l i c i t l y that i t cannot leave the de­ velopment of the ind iv idua l personality to natural maturat ion and chance encounters w i t h psychological strain. T h e family is the first ins t i tu t ion of personality development. As societies become more complex, other such institutions proliferate. I n our society, for example, we have schools and colleges, summer camps, mi l i t a ry t r a in ing programs, the Peace Corps, penal institutions, the psychotherapeutic relationship, and a wide range of other similar agencies and programs. W h i l e their goals may differ, these are all agencies th rough w h i c h an ind iv idua l passes for a l imi t ed t ime for the purpose of being changed i n some desired way.