The scientific definition of communism is the dictatorship of one class, alone unto itself, based on power, absolute power, and not on any laws and regulations. The most impressive thing about American parliamentary democracy is its self-corrective capacities. Suppression of unorthodox ideas and of lawful radicalism is blind emotionalism. Americans must remain free to express their opinions, whether communist or any other, in the press. In the past it was definitely unjustified and unnecessary to pass laws defending democracy against internal subversion. The communist fifth column has now made such laws necessary. Membership in the Communist party is morally an act comparable to murder. Morally every Communist or Nazi party member is up to his elbows in the blood of his party's victims, provided he has joined that party voluntarily, not under duress. There is no more communist menace in most American colleges today. There is something more insidious, the anti-anticommunists.